Things to know when shipping goods to China

China is known as the most potential market today, importers and exporters seem to be unable to operate without the understanding of this large market.
Transporting goods to China as well as from China to other countries will face certain difficulties and barriers.
- Shipping goods to China in large quantities will encounter customs control of shipping permits
- Some problems with taxes
- A new business license is required to be shipped
- Cumbersome administrative procedures
- Expensive time, effort and financial resources when transporting a shipment
In addition to anticipating certain barriers, you also need to pay attention to the list of prohibited items. If your goods belong to the following categories, they will be in the list of prohibited items shipped from China.
- Weapons, ammunition, guns, components, dangerous weapons
- Cash (VND, paper, foreign currency), postage stamp, money order, money transfer
- Raw gemstone, diamond technology, pearls
- Corpses, corpses of humans and animals including ashes
- Body fluids, tissues, infectious substances such as blood, body parts
- Rhino horn, boar fang, ivory
- Furs, including those that do not belong to the skin of the animals but also the outer coat
- Types of animals: Live animals, non-domesticated animals and non-domesticated animal products
- Erotic content or cultural products
- Explosives, gases, radioactive substances, abrasives, toxins, infectious substances, flammable substances, oxidizing agents and organic prepoxides
- Things that are easy to rot, damaged like products from meat, fish, vegetables
With complex information and procedures, you should choose a transport service and customs procedures to support your import and export process to be more convenient and successful.
Customer Care Mode
Chinese shipping and transport services follow a standard transport process to ensure transparency in shipping and goods to customers as required by the contract. You can easily feel the quality of service through a small attitude, enthusiastic when consulting, contracting, delivery, .. v..v or through the professional skills of each employee to take the different positions.
Warranty And Commitment
A professional transport company must have standard services at a good price and be publicly listed throughout the system.
In addition to intact delivery, right time and place for customers, the shipping unit should commit 100% compensation to customers if there are unintended incidents. And follow the contract on both sides
Transportation services and procedures for shipping goods to China and shipping from China by Global Mover Logistics
- Ensure goods are shipped on time and place
- Safety first
- Dedicated service and understanding customer psychology
- 10-year experience in cross-border transport industry
Make sure you are satisfied with the quality of our 10 point service. Just contact the Global Mover Logistics company, you will be consulted and answered enthusiastically for questions about customs procedures, transportation routes or import and export licenses for the journey. We will make the answer with the purpose for your freight most favorable.
You will not need to worry about customs, taxes, shipping and storage procedures. We will ship the goods to you or wherever you request.
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Phone: +84 905 355 358